Derby County Community Trust – Speakers at the 18th EFDN Conference

31 October 2022

Derby County Community Trust – Speakers at the 18th EFDN Conference

Sharon Dale and Luke Wilkinson are speaking on behalf of the Derby County Community Trust during a breakout session at the 18th EFDN #morethanfootball conference in Budapest from the 14th-16th of November.

Sharon Dale has been the Health Manager at Derby County Community Trust for the past 13 years. Her background was in Public Health, working in local community settings to address health inequalities.
The nature of projects which she delivers focus on the social detriments of health, and her team work innovatively to provide programmes which take an alternative route to engage people in physical activity. Most recently, Sharon’s portfolio of projects has grown to encompass supporting those living with long-term conditions, working largely in targeted areas of deprivation to provide an equitable service. The recent publication of the Trust’s Health Strategy has identified emerging priorities: supporting participants experiencing the menopause; those living with long Covid; and the creation of a green gym through our existing allotment project.

Luke Wilkinson has worked for Derby County Community Trust for 18 years in a variety of roles, but in 2011 he moved over to their health department to focus on a new programme for the city. Since then his knowledge and skills have excelled within engaging adults with Mental health, long term conditions and older people to help them increase social skills and also help incease their phsycial activity. 

The presentation that Sharon Dale and Luke Wilkinson will be giving will be presenting mental wellbeing for both adults and children. They will cover how the Derby County Community Trust has engaged the target audiences and what delivery model they have used to engage and maintain their attendance. Finally they will go through the data showing the impact this has had on attendees.