FERENCVÁROSI TC – Speakers at the 18th EFDN Conference

27 October 2022

FERENCVÁROSI TC – Speakers at the 18th EFDN Conference

László Bázsa-Mosó, Gábor Deregán, and Attila Mizsér are all speaking on behalf of the Ferencvárosi Torna Club during a breakout session at the 18th EFDN #morethanfootball conference in Budapest from the 14th-16th of November.

Community Champions League: 1 program, 3 projects – László Bázsa-Mosó (Social Worker at H52 Youth Office, Ferencvárosi TC)

This workshop is a case study of the local delivery of EFDN’s Community Champions League program. The social worker of Ferencváros will introduce the challenges and opportunities we faced during the implementation of the program. Despite the struggling start, Ferencváros managed to gain additional funding from the National Crime Prevention Council and UEFA Foundation for Children and glad to the additional resources, the program is becoming now a nationwide success.

Raising role models: The Fradi Fair Play Commitee – Gábor Deregán (Member of the Fradi Fair Play Committee, Hungarian Olympic Committee)

During the reestablishment of the domestic and international reputation of Ferencváros, a key role has been given to the education of the core stakeholders of the Clubs: players, coaches, parents, employees and supporters. One of the greatest, original tool of the Club was the foundation of its own Fair Play Committee, in which the Club promote and recognize sportsmanship, respect and contribution to the Clubs social activities and goals. In each year, the Fradi Fair Play Committee rewards the role models of the Club and highlight their social achievement.

Legends Forever: Players’ Career Workshops – Attila Mizsér (Business Coach, Olympic Champion)

In 2015, Ferencváros started to raise awareness about the situation of former athletes and players in difficulties once having concluded their sports career and bring attention to the necessity of reintegrating them into society. Glad to an Erasmus+ Sport co-funded project (The European Day of Care), Ferencváros created tutorial movies for the stakeholders of the sports industry, in which the Club explained the mental, educational and financial aspects of players’ transition to civil life led by Hungarian Olympic Champions and Club Legends. Based on these tutorials, Ferencváros provides annual career workshop sessions for its junior players which prepare them for their professional sports career, provide guidance in education and salary matters and teach life skills. This workshop will give the audience insights of these career management sessions.